Tuesday, March 4, 2014


Who is the greatest polluter? Would you be surprised to find out that it is our own Government? Just as Government is given the job of protecting civil liberties and often times is the greatest threat to them, so too Government has been given the authority to protect our environment and fails at that job as well.
Environments are protected when they are under the authority of private ownership. Governments have absolutely zero incentive to protect environments because Governments are neither held accountable for their pollution or gain any personal profit by protecting them.

When an ordinary person has a certain section of his own private property there is a great incentive to protect the environment and cultivate the land in such a way that yield certain products or purposes that generate revenue.

For example, he may keep the land as natural as possible for people to pay and camp on, he may instead use his land to grow crops or raise cattle for people to buy and eat, he may just keep his land nice and clean so his yard is healthy and safe for his family to grow on.

The best way to protect our environments are to pass legislation that guarantees that Governments are held accountable for their pollution and also to return federal and state lands under the protection of private ownership. Not only would this create jobs but it would also restore liberties and protect our environment.

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