Thursday, March 6, 2014


The goal of any free society should be total privatization of education.
"Oh but that's too expensive," you say....Well really it isn't.

If you had hundreds of millions of parents seeking for teachers and all teachers were competing for jobs, this would cause the price of private schooling to drop and the value to become increasingly high.
Not to mention many more parents would be inclined to not send their kids to school at all but to homeschool.

However, total privatization of education is not something we are close to in this country, however there are steps we can take to improve the public education ring and infuse competition into it that would greatly increase the quality of education and give parents a greater say in what their children are taught.

I am in favor of a Voucher System, in which each child is given a Voucher for a certain amount of money (and schools are given nothing) and the child according to the decision of the parents, goes to whatever school they believe is best fit for their child and then sign that voucher to that school as part of its funding.

As schools then compete for their money by means of providing the best quality education they can offer, cutting the unnecessary expenses they usually pay, and hiring and firing those teachers who are most appealing to the parents, this will cause a much more free-market approach to education and will result in more children being taught the values their parents hold to, it will greatly decrease any corruption in the teaching materials and will help cull out all those teachers who are not fit to teach and it will also start to cost less money to tax payers.

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